Friday, September 14, 2012


And Jesus said to them "Wait in the upper room until you receive the Holy Spirit"
Act 1:4 And while staying with them He ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, "you heard from me;
Act 1:5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
And the Holy Spirit slipped quietly into the room and some received a teaspoonful, some a desertspoonful and others a cupful.
Act 2:2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.
There came a sound from Heaven like a mighty rushing wind!
Their spirits would have been totally stirred, the Holy Spirit filled them, overflowed them. I can imagine their hearts pounding within them as the Holy Spirit empowered them. What an awesome, exciting event!
Wow! Imagine being so filled with the Spirit, so anointed that Jesus totally reeks from your every pore! Are you filled with the Spirit like that? Let it be the desire of, no, the longing of your heart!
When you are filled with the Spirit you have the ears of the Spirit. You can hear more clearly what the Spirit is saying to you. The alternative is to listen with the ears of theology, tradition and human understanding. If everyone had done that there would have been no Salvation and no Pentecost. Why? Because they were different than what had happened previously. In fact, in the early days when people started getting baptised in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues etc, the church accused them of being full of demons.
I don't know about overseas, but I know that here in New Zealand God has been saying for some time now that He is going to do a new thing. It hasn't happened yet, and neither will it happen until people start listening with their spiritual ears! 
God has said He will do something new. It is not like the old, it is new. It is not the old revamped, it is new. Because it is new it is different. Here lies the problem! Because it is different those that listen with the ears of tradition, theology, or human understanding will not receive it. Those who listen with the ears of the Spirit will hear and receive even if they don't understand. Understanding will come later as the seed that has been planted is watered by the Spirit and grows into reality.
The Blowing of Trumpets is like setting the stage. It's a way of saying hey, listen up! Something is going to happen. It's a time of seriously seeking God and saying "Lord, what is it you are doing? I want to be part of it!"
God says in Scripture that Amo 3:7 For the Lord Jehovah will do nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
The role of the prophet in today's church is to make known to the church (individually or corporately) the things that God reveals for their and His benefit. 
I say to you, befilled with the Holy Spirit! Stand up and roll up your sleeves in readiness for what is ahead. Be prepared because God will open the doors to the New Thing as we prepare ourselves.
Let Christ in you be as a beacon on the hill that all can see. It is more important that your neighbour gets saved than it is for you to retain your dignity!
Having said that, be aware of the leading of the Holy Spirit because He may want you to build bridges with your neighbour rather than beat them up with the Bible. :) 
Above all else I would encourage you to be ready. God is doing something different and those who prepare themselves to hear will hear.
This is what the Blowing of Trumpets is all about. It is a signal, drawing attention to the fact that an event is about to happen. It is a gathering of the people in readiness.

Do not be deceived by those who say God is moving this way in that country, let us do the same. It just doesn't work that way. It is by His Spirit that we will be moved.
Get excited, get ready for an event that is about to happen!

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